

Australian Sparkling wines are made in all Australian wine regions and are tradtionally made using Chardonnay & Pinot Noir grapes and occasionally Pinot Meunier which is one of the tradtional grape varieties used in Champagne. Australian Sparkling wines range from 'cheap & cheerful fizz' to some fantastic top-end examples which are right up there with some of Champages best.

Sparkling wine has been made in France since the early 1500's but contrary to popular belief, Dom Perignon did not invent it but was influential in its production and quality. The term 'non-vintage' or NV, refers to wines made using diffent vintages and made to a 'house style' which gives a brand its unique expression and character. Popular brands of NV French Champages include Moet et Chandon, Veuve Clicquot and Nicolas Feuillatte.

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  • Mcguigan Black Label Sparkling Shiraz 750ml

    Mcguigan Black Label Sparkling Shiraz 750ml

    RRP: $10.99
    Sparkling Shiraz is one of Australia''s truly unique wine styles and McGuigan do a fantastic job here with copious amounts of fresh and vibrant red fruit just bursting out of the glass.
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    RRP: $10.99
  • McGuigan Black Label Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot 750ml

    McGuigan Black Label Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot 750ml

    RRP: $10.99
    McGuigan Black Label Sparkling is a classic Chardonnay and Pinot Noir blend. It is lively and crisp, with notes of fresh peach and vanilla - perfect for everyday celebrating! The McGuigan Black Label range is an approachable way to try Australia's most...
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    RRP: $10.99
  • Louis Roederer Collection 244 NV Champagne 750ml

    Louis Roederer Collection 244 NV Champagne 750ml

    RRP: $119.99
    The Louis Roederer Collection 244 NV is a remarkable champagne that captivates the senses from the moment it is poured. Its bright, golden hue with shimmering highlights is visually enticing, while the fine, lively mousse creates a delightful...
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    RRP: $119.99
  • Jansz Brut NV Premium Cuvee 750ml

    Jansz Premium Cuvee Sparkling 750ml

    RRP: $27.99
    91 Points Tyson Stelzer Trophy 'Best Australian Sparkling Over 10 Pounds Decanter Wine Awards (UK) A great aperitif style, with lifted honeysuckle and citrus from the Chardonnay and delicate strawberry Pinot characters. Tirage age of this Jansz Premium...
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    RRP: $27.99
  • Jacobs Creek Sparkling Rose 750ml

    Jacobs Creek Sparkling Rose 750ml

    RRP: $13.99
    A blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes displays an elegant soft pink colour with an attractive marriage of lemon citrus flavours with fresh strawberry and red currant characters.
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    RRP: $13.99
  • Jacobs Creek Sparkling Moscato 750ml

    Jacobs Creek Sparkling Moscato 750ml

    RRP: $13.99
    86 Points. Tyson Stelzer. It's clean, it's fruity and it's sweet, with honey, ginger and lemonade flavours. OK so it's simple, short and one-dimensional, but, hey, you're drinking moscato, so who's counting? Leave it in the freezer until it resembles a...
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    RRP: $13.99
  • Jacobs Creek Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot 750ml

    Jacobs Creek Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot 750ml

    RRP: $13.99
    Lovely bouquet of lemon, citrus and red apple with notes of bread and nougat. Light and elegant, the palate highlights lemon and citrus fruit with a hint of biscuit finishing with a delicate and refreshing acid.
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    RRP: $13.99
  • Sale
    Jacobs Creek Cool Harvest Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Jacobs Creek Cool Harvest Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    WAS: $9.99
    Discontinued by producer so you better be quick! AROMA AND PALATE Fresh tropical and citrus notes with a passionfruit background. Refreshingly effervescent with zesty flavours of lychee, lemongrass and citrus carried through by a vibrant acidity to the...
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    WAS: $9.99
  • Henkell Trocken Dry-Sec Sparkling 750ml

    Henkell Trocken Dry-Sec Sparkling 750ml

    RRP: $19.99
    For decades now this timeless classic has been Germany’s best known sparkling wine brand and enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide. High quality standards and a consistent brand/price policy together with intensive advertising support within...
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    RRP: $19.99
  • Guillaume De Vergy Blanc de Blanc 750ml

    Guillaume De Vergy Blanc de Blanc 750ml

    RRP: $17.99
    This is a truly fantastic value for money French Sparkling and probably the BEST you'll find for under $10. Fruity and floral with nice biscuity characters. Delicious!
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    RRP: $17.99
  • Golden Gate Spumante 750ml

    Golden Gate Spumante 750ml

    RRP: $8.99
    Golden Gate Spumante is a delightful fruit-driven bubbly produced with ample sweetness, the wine shows fresh grape and melon characters framed by a lively spritz finish.
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    RRP: $8.99
  • Ernest Rapeneau Selection Brut Champagne 750ml

    Ernest Rapeneau Selection Brut Champagne 750ml

    RRP: $55.99
    A fantastically affordable Champagne from Epernay. Made from the classic Champagne varieties of 45% Chardonnay, 50% Pinot Noir and 5% Pinot Meunier.  Ernest Rapeneau is a light and elegant French Champagne. A perfectly balanced flavour with a...
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    RRP: $55.99
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