

Australian Sparkling wines are made in all Australian wine regions and are tradtionally made using Chardonnay & Pinot Noir grapes and occasionally Pinot Meunier which is one of the tradtional grape varieties used in Champagne. Australian Sparkling wines range from 'cheap & cheerful fizz' to some fantastic top-end examples which are right up there with some of Champages best.

Sparkling wine has been made in France since the early 1500's but contrary to popular belief, Dom Perignon did not invent it but was influential in its production and quality. The term 'non-vintage' or NV, refers to wines made using diffent vintages and made to a 'house style' which gives a brand its unique expression and character. Popular brands of NV French Champages include Moet et Chandon, Veuve Clicquot and Nicolas Feuillatte.

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  • Guillaume De Vergy Rose Sparkling 750ml

    Guillaume De Vergy Rose Sparkling 750ml

    RRP: $17.99
    This wine develops inviting, fruity aromas of small red fruits and lead to a fresh, refined palate with delicate burst of fine bubbles. Bloody good for the money! (ourcellar)
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    RRP: $17.99
  • Grant Burge Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay Rosé NV 750ml

    Grant Burge Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay Rosé NV 750ml

    RRP: $25.99
    Clearance Grant Burge Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay Rosé NV displays delicate aromas of red fruits, paired with dusky florals and sweet spicy notes. But don't be misled by the nose, the palate is rich and generous with a decadently creamy...
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    RRP: $25.99
  • McGuigan Zero Sparkling 750ml

    McGuigan Zero Sparkling 750ml

    RRP: $14.99
    Free from alcohol, full in flavour, the McGuigan Zero range is a contemporary alcohol-free range that allows you to enjoy wine without the alcohol. The flavour profile and characteristics of each variety are as you would expect, proving that you...
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    RRP: $14.99
  • Tempus Two Prosecco 750ml

    Tempus Two Prosecco 750ml

    RRP: $15.99
    The Tempus Two Varietal series is designed to add a touch of style to any occasion. The prosecco is made from 100% Chardonnay grapes, displaying flavours of peach, passionfruit and green apple, with a fruit sweetness countered by a crisp, citrusy...
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    RRP: $15.99
  • Villa Jolanda Extra Dry Prosecco 24 x 200ml

    Villa Jolanda Extra Dry Prosecco 24 x 200ml

    RRP: $239.76
    Villa Jolanda is a great example of good Italian Prosecco. White creamy mousse showing good hold with pale straw base wine colour. Very fine bead showing excellent persistence. Delicate aromas of grapefruit, lees and citrus. Creamy palate texture with...
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    RRP: $239.76
  •  Villa Teresa Organic Frizzante Rosè 750ml

    Villa Teresa Organic Frizzante Rosè 750ml

    RRP: $22.99
    Clearance Light and fresh on first blush! This organic, spritzy, pink rosé is bright and floral, with sweet berry and patchouli aromas. There are berries and cream with some candied citrus peel flavors on the finish
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    RRP: $22.99
  • Dal Zotto Pucino Vintage Prosecco 750ml

    Dal Zotto Pucino Vintage Prosecco 750ml

    RRP: $28.99
    Vintage 2022 Pale straw with a vivid green hues, this wine opens with tantalising aromas of fresh-cut pear, citrus blossom, and a hint of spice. The palate is soft, approachable, and full of character with gentle bubbles for maximum freshness. A great...
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    RRP: $28.99
  • Katlenburger Mango Sparkling 750ml

    Katlenburger Mango Sparkling 750ml

    RRP: $15.99
    A unique sparkling fruit wine made from the juice of ripe and fresh mangoes. The light alcohol content gives it it's dynamic flavour and reinforces it's bouquet. Best served chilled. Made in Germany   
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    RRP: $15.99
  • Calappiano 18K Gold Prosecco Brut DOC 750ml

    Calappiano 18K Gold Prosecco Brut DOC 750ml

    RRP: $25.99
    A sublime Italian Prosecco in a bling bottle. This 18K Gold Prosecco from Calappiano is fruity and refreshing and superbly lively on the palate. It has a perfectly balanced texture and a creamy perlage. Great for special occasions!
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    RRP: $25.99
  • Craigmoor Cuvee Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Craigmoor Cuvee Brut Sparkling 750ml

    RRP: $16.99
    Craigmoor Cuvée Brut sparkling wine is a traditional style non-vintage made from select parcels of Chardonnay. Fresh and elegant, it makes an ideal aperitif. The palate is rich in citrus fruit flavours complemented by hints of bread and yeast...
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    RRP: $16.99
  • Cipriani Bellini 750ml

    Cipriani Bellini 750ml

    RRP: $34.99
    The original Harry's Bar cocktail is now available. Harry's Bar in Venice, where Cipriani first mixed peach  and spumante to make the now classic cocktail. It never fails to evoke the romance of summer and love. Aaaah Venice. Out of the ashes of...
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    RRP: $34.99
  • Craigmoor Cuvee Rose Sparkling 750ml

    Craigmoor Cuvee Rose Sparkling 750ml

    RRP: $16.99
    Robert Oatley Craigmoor Cuvee Rose NV displays a light coral pink colour. Blissful fragrances of fresh strawberries and floral notes flow off the nose, accompanied by a subtle yeast complexity. The bright and lively palate features strawberry and red...
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    RRP: $16.99
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